Muslim, whether you pronounce it correctly or struggle to scoot one of its many ignorant distortions by your ciggie and through the gap between your two “chewin’ teeth” the meaning in the same, people who follow Islam.

Islam, like every religion has many ideas and systems that I strongly disagree with and believe are potentially harmful to peoples development and lives. However, the way I live my life and my beliefs are held in equal disregard by those whom I oppose.  Personally, I am accepting of all cultures, beliefs, ideologies and actions as long as they do not negatively impact on others or myself. I also believe that Islam in particular has many outdated and archaic ideals that make for an unjust society and an overall unpleasant existence for many involved. Ideas like this are not exclusive to Islam, however, based on my limited knowledge it is where they are the most prevalent. This allows a lot more negative attention and onus to be placed on those who do perform negative acts.
This does not mean that all Muslims or even a large number of Muslims support these ideas or govern their lives by them, but they still exist.

The vast majority of Muslims pose no threat to the concept of a free society or the safety of others. However, a small number do. This minority group is like a fat kid shitting in the ball pit of a McDonald’s birthday party, he isn’t really sure what he’s supposed to be doing there but he’s fucking it up for everybody else.

A small number of:
Red haired people are rapists
Asians are serial killers
School teachers are child porn enthusiasts
Chilean miners are methamphetamine addicts
Muslims are dangerous

If you remove the “A small number of” on any of these statements you are left with a lie. Although, some less propagated by the media than others. The majority of the publicity is left with this small minority, as the non-invasive peaceful majority is rarely shown in western culture. Vilfredo Pareto, the influential Italian economist has a theory best suited to situations like this, the 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 rule relates to uneven distribution of commodity within an economy. For example, 20% of Muslims receive 80% of the media attention. The number of Muslims who pose these threats is most likely no where near as high as 20% but the theory still applies. A minority receives the majority of publicity that is the issue.

The purpose of this post is not to defend Muslims but defend people who have done nothing wrong and deserve the same level acceptance as you wish to receive.

If you were offended by anything in this post I apologize profusely that you have to live such a depressing existence.

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