
I hate that word, but this is about the Symposiums that I don’t go to, so it makes sense to edit the word slightly and turn it into a point that is never reached. You know, me being a know-it-all, cause I know it all.

Anyway… so for the last unlecture Adrian has blessed the slackers among us with lecture slides, which is nice. Of course, from the looks of things week 12 was a conclusion more than a body paragraph, as old ideas were rehashed and the point was really driven home: the network is ‘flat’, completely interactive and lacking in the rules and mores that govern what we knew and understood before. Or something. I honestly think we are still overcomplicating it, but I get the point.

I get why we are learning about learning, rather than really learning about how to make blogs and how to use software. My interpretation of this course and its ideology is that the content IS irrelevant, and that’s entirely the point. We can be expected to learn something that will be invalid in a few years, there’s no point, and since this is one semester of work we can’t really come back to it. Instead of learning what we won’t need to know, we learn how to interpret information while it is still relevant, and how to evolve once that information has become obsolete. The internet and the network are ever changing landscapes, without form and largely without function, we can’t truly understand something that dynamic until we understand that it simply IS dynamic. It’s like… dynamia. Is that a thing? No, but I like it. It is everything that changes, encompassing all the concepts and ideas, accepting and rejecting, reinvigorating and viciously tearing apart. It’s creating, destroying, changing, improving and ruining everything simultaneously and constantly.

I don’t like the concept of the network, I think it’s a horrible thing to contemplate because it’s not a thing. It’s cruel, but it’s nothing. I can’t actually generalise it, really, just… assume.


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