You wanna talk about Narrative?



Bitches be all ‘But Lost is shit’. You know what, ninety percent of the people who say that have never watched the show, or worse, watched an episode ‘here or there’. No. Lost is one, giant narrative. It’s not freaking Desperate Housewives where you can tune in and out and still understand EVERYTHING. If you miss the introduction of Time Travel in Season Four, then no episode of Season Five will make sense. If you miss the first episode of Season Three, nothing ‘the Others’ do is going to make sense. If you missed Episode-fucking-one, NOTHING is going to make sense.

That said, everyone – EVERYONE – needs to watch Lost’s pilot. It is, in my opinion, the greatest pilot ever made. It cost $12 million plus, so expect some spectacle, including plane crashes, explosions, giant structures tumbling to the ground, more (amazing) characters than you can poke a stick at and some of the prettiest locations ever featured on television. This is the first episode. Death, destruction, mayhem, mystery, intrigue, French people, mountain hikes, flashbacks, makeshift surgery, blood, bones, dogs, polar bears and giant monsters. The greatest pilot ever.

That said, Lost is not a show to be divided into episodes. Lost was based on seasons.

Season One – the survivors of a plane crash… survive.

Season Two – The survivors of a plane crash try to form a society while facing off against the mysterious forces of the island (the mystery wasn’t so important in season one)

Season Three – The survivors of a plane crash are separated and struggle to survive while being attacked by the island’s monsters and the strange ‘Others’.

Season Four – The survivors face rescue, maybe.

Season Five – HOLY SHIT WHAT’S GOING ON? It’s a mix between now, then and god-kn0ws-when as time travel comes into play.

Season Six – Everyone needs to be wrapped up, QUICKLY. Go! Go! GO!!!

And no, they weren’t all dead at the end. That’s a misinterpretation.

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