Week 4 Tutorial

Who are they?

-American media scholar

-Currently professor at communication, journalism and cinematic Arts.


What have they done?

-Research explores boundary between text and reader, growth of fan culture

-Involved in project New Media Literacy.

-Research on how individuals in contemporary culture themselves tap into and combine different media sources.

-Convergence culture, theory described as the merging of traditional and new media.

In What way might this relate to internet, digital media, and networked media.

-Research in social media, video games etc. modern day networking

-Project new media

-Very similar to our key readings

-Project new media literacy, same ideals as networked in that we should learn and apply ideologies and theories rather than practical knowledge


-To learn the core social skills that we need in the new media landscape.

-‘Literacies’ if we can learn it without computers they can be applied to everything else

-Instead of replacing the old media, it is more like the new and old media intersect in a more complex play. the idea behind it is the same.

-How to use tech? instead of assuming we know how.


All design is ideology

So whats design fiction?

What i get from the readings is that design fiction uses fictional scenarios to envision and explain possible futures for design. using fictional scenarios to work through the benefits, challenges, and implications of a new design idea or technology.  I like it because the fictional frame provides an opportunity to imagine a technology in a human context rather than a purely engineering driven scenario.  A design fiction has to imagine a culture of use for a technology or design that has implications for how it is executed and built.  Using fiction to frame design also affords the consideration of the values, meanings, and implications of the design from an ethical and political standpoint, often highlighting social elements of a design’s use and potential misuse.


A student’s fiction design video that i found pretty cute and interesting. 🙂

Interesting topic in Sex and Gender

This week in Sex and Gender in Asia, we talked about homosexuality, and how advertisement actually use this to attract customers.


These ads with gay or lesbian themed draw complaints from consumers who prefer traditional appraches to peddling products. But what draws the most complaints across all Levi’s print and TV commercials is actually the line “all asses were not created equal”. Consumers claimed it an insult to women size six and over.

Spring Clean


The house is quiet as brother are went out. Parents is in a different country. But I do love time alone. Today I started the day reflecting while reading James 3 from the Bible. It talked about watching our tongues when we speak. Do we curse a lot or do we say kind things with genuine love? It made me ponder on my own actions. I do curse sometimes. And I want to change and stop that habit. It just doesn’t do any good to anyone. Not to you. Not to the person you’re cursing at.

I did some spring cleaning as well. I spent the whole day cleaning the house. Thank god we’re only living in an apartment here. Despite how tired I was, I loved finding little misplaced things as I was cleaning. I found so many photographs and old books and jewellery! Now I am resting with Ginger listening to Mumford & Sons.

Chris argyris: theories of action


This is how our tutor explain the idea of ‘Single-loop’ and ‘Double-loop’ learning. For what i think, the main idea i’ve got from this reading is that single looping is like the more ‘traditional’ way of learning where there are plans or paths given based on the situation, rather than being questioned. Whereas for double loop learning, its often a two way kind of learning practices where its more than just fixing the problem, this is the style of learning questions the underlying assumptions, values and beliefs behind what we do.