In the tute we screened a short film called Rolling – a film made in Film-TV1 a few years ago.
In 300 words or less describe what you thought worked or didn’t. At this stage we don’t expect you to have a great deal of film knowledge or language. Don’t be afraid to use your own words. Things you could talk about – script, casting, timing, camera movement, location. You may not remember much detail, if so, it could be helpful to talk about your first impressions, after all this is what most of us are left with after one viewing.
To be honest, at the beginning of the film, I did not quite understand what the film is about, what is the storyline and what is the message they are trying to convey. I think that the script could be change a little to make the film better. The camera movement was good, however the framing was a little bit weird in my opinion.
The light and location was good, the tone matches the story line and the sound was great. I couldn’t remember much detail but I guess that was my first impression towards the film.