It’s been almost 4 weeks now since I’ve arrived to Melbourne, and 3 weeks since classes have commenced. I’ve got to admit, it really wasn’t as easy as I thought moving from Singapore to Melbourne in the pursuit of further my studies. Up until today, I still wonder to myself, “How have I ended up here?!” or “What the hell am I doing here?!”. We all need to have a nudge to the right direction sometimes, and a good reminder from fellow peers or minor encounters we might have in our day to day lives to keep us back in check and ready to go.
A number of people have told me, “Must be really difficult for you to leave everything behind to come over alone…”. And I never really understood that or have a grasp of the magnitude of the entire “moving over”. Something must have came onto me to make that decision, and I myself have no clue what. Perhaps by the end of this entire 2 and a half years here, I’d be able to find what was the calling that brought me here in the first place. But for the time being, I might just find my footing here and hang tight for what’s to come.
I wouldn’t say that I was off to the best start, but a rather shaky one. But who knows? The worst is yet to come. Contrary to that, I might not have started any better, staying just a 10 minute walk from campus, being out in the open on my own, exploring, learning and meeting new people, there’s always 2 ways to look at it, isn’t it? All these should count for something at the end of the day when I look back to my entire experience living in Melbourne right?
One thing’s sure, I have no clue what’s ahead of me, but that’s alright, in a good way. I guess when you’re in your 20s, you just have to lug it out and go through the grind to find your place on earth. No one’s stopping what’s coming for me so I might as well just embrace it.
Ready. Set. Go.
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