
Just finished watching this film titled Rudderless, 2014, William H. Macy, and I would highly recommend it. What caught my attention to watch the film would be its soundtrack. Being a casual musician myself, I find myself always leaning towards films with strong music soundtrack and musical theme. This film is no exception, and I spent no time watching it over this weekend in the middle of this hectic week where it’s near the business end of things for most courses.

In terms of film review, I would say it is driven by a very strong narrative, stylistic cinematography and well written folk pop songs. The main character shown in the picture above goes through various incarnations from the rich and wealthy to being alone, shabby looking and everything in between.

Would not want to spoil anything else for you, so if you’re looking to escape from the crazy busy week that you might have had like me, grab yourself a copy of Ruddlerless and sit yourself in front of the TV screen.