In my earlier entries, I believe I mentioned about my final assessment for one of my electives, Photography 101. We were assigned to construct a final body of work of any theme of our choice and I picked to shoot my photos in the Golden Hour.

In photography as well as filmmaking, the Golden Hour is known as when the sun is about to rise or set to create a very warm and gold-ish hue over the landscape and subjects you plan to shoot, hence the name “Golden Hour”.

For the past few days, maybe weeks, the weather has not been on my side. Cloud cover, over cast, grey skies, strong winds, and stormy weather has been forecasted and pretty much came not proving the weathermen wrong. Therefore, it was a challenge shooting the golden hour when there wasn’t any to begin with. To make things interesting, we had to present our shots in this week’s Photography 101 workshop and trim it down to 8-10 photos to submit as our final body of work. So every opportunity I get with the sun peeping through the clouds would be a golden opportunity to shoot some pictures. I’d run out with my camera and start shooting away for certain limit of time before the sun sets or runs back behind the clouds till God knows how long before I can see it again.

Here are some of the golden hour pictures taken when I had the golden opportunity.

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