Week 2’s Media 1 workshop started off with a little presentation on our “Melbourne Moment” photos. Each of us had to stand up and say a few things about our pictures and why did we choose that particular picture to signify a “Melbourne Moment”.
Thereafter, we proceeded to having a little group discussion on our Project Brief 1 Lofi Media Self Portrait. We were taught about the 6 hats and different members of the group were assigned a different coloured “hat” to critique or feedback an individual’s work within the group. I thought it was a clever way to classify different criticisms or comments or praises. However, having a specific “hat” worn by a someone isn’t really fair, as that person is only allow to critique base on whatever “hat” he’s wearing. For example if I was given the Black hat, I am only limited to saying the negatives or what didn’t work for that particular artefact. But what if it’s not in my nature to fault somebody? Which in some cases being the being the “bad guy”. Hence, having just a fixed coloured “hat” really limits the way you approach onto looking at somebody’s piece of work.
Another way to approach using this 6 hats would be each person can have 1 comment on the piece of work using the various coloured hats, so that way we can have a view from different perspectives, or in this case, different coloured hats. I would guess that would have a more opened discussion and broader ideas, but would require a fair bit of time since everyone’s using the different coloured hats instead being assigned 1.
Overall, we all had fun and it was good having feedbacks, comments, criticisms coming from my fellow group mates, and I would definitely go back to the drawing board to refine my work.
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