week 9:

We are going to conduct a documentary interview. we all knew that we had to make a plan before we started doing anything. Therefore, create an outline is the first step. we thought about how we are going to tell the story. who’s the subject? what are our core story points? what’s the structure? The […]

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week 8:

we settled on what we are going to do for assignment 3. It was really nervous that we showed our group’s ideas to the whole class.  Basic story: Eighteen years old Lyn, who is a year-one business student at Monash University and starts dancing when she was four years old. In the later years, she found […]

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week 12: A3 reflection

We’ve done a great job on the assignment three. We really enjoy the whole process of making this documentary interview as a group. We’ve got the basic story of the interviewee and get some great ideas show on the camera in week 7 and our group started filming and editing the documentary interview from week […]

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week 11

we’ve got the feedback of our rough cut from Rohan Spong this week. Here are some suggestions we need to fix: put her self-introduction voice-over in the dancing scene find no copyright music instead of HAVANA just use simple words as the title get rid of all fade effects, just us hard cut cut the repetition of […]

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week 5

Demi Lovato: Stay Strong In this one-hour documentary film, Demi will let the audience inside to witness her most private moments, during her very public recovery from her eating disorder. She’ll return for the very first time to the treatment facility she retreated to back in November 2010 to speak candidly to her recovering peers […]

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week 6

A feature-length documentary will have so much content. I realized the most difficult aspect of editing a documentary is the number of unscripted responses during interviews. When I edited the assignment 2, I found myself sitting through hours of content looking for that one little snippet I need. After hours spent preparing to edit, then […]

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week 4

Now we know that different light sources have different temperatures, we need to account for these temperature ranges by manually setting the camera’s white balance – a process that basically tells the camera what “true white” looks like in an environment to avoid color casting. Many cameras have an auto-white balance feature. Actually, I used […]

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week 3

we think of early films as black and white, but these days, color is an integral part of films, and it has incredible power over how we perceive the film and the characters. Feinberg looks at the opening of WALL-E (2008) and said: “We had to do massive visual storytelling because there’s no dialogue — only […]

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week 11 intiavtive blog

On killing: murder This documentary was filmed in 2015 and it was telling the story of Ed Hull who was convicted of the first-degree murder in 1976 while he was released in 2015. He was asked to recall the moment when he was convicted to be murder in the prison for many years. His documentary […]

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week 10 initiative blog

we watched a documentary named Age of farmer this week, which is filmed by Spencer MacDonald in 2015, and it was telling the story of the farmer, who has the average age of 65 years old, however, this documentary shows that there is a problem towards the replacement and supply of young farmer to the […]

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