Sound/music is an important part of the documentary, either in form of commentary or words of the character. Firstly, it is used as the mood enhancer and narrative aid in filmmaking. It can color a scene and intensify an emotional tension, which depends on the audience. The meaning of the Sound/music is transmitted to the audience by means of cultural codes.
It is argued that sound/music can be a subtle tool. It can manipulate the audience. Sound/music also can create a mood. Sound /music provide sound effects, making up for the absence of speck.
Furthermore, sound/music can express time and space. In the long shot, the sound volume is small and sound quality is not clear, in a close shot, the sound volume is big and sound quality is clear. The motion of from far to near gives the audience a sense of time and space, which is an auditory space. With it, sound/music can render the environmental atmosphere. Integrated with images, sound/music can provide the complete story plot and play the role in changing the time and space.
A documentary is a special form of a film. Commentary can give a full play to its narrative. The person’s activities and the process of events, as well as the environment, can be presented with images, but they fail to show the specific relationship between the characters and the context of the events, even the cause, and effect of the events, which should be explained with commentary. Sound and music have become the indispensable element in the documentary narration. Besides the commentary, sound effects are another important element in a documentary. They express the inner feeling of the characters or create a mood. They can also create a more convincing atmosphere of time and place.
In general, documentary use sound in nature. It is the sound of the real life other than the virtual unnatural sound. The sound in documentary reflects its authenticity. Therefore, the synchronization recording is often seen in the documentary, including the ambient sound, background sound, and voice of the participants. The synchronization recording is one of the filmmaking skills. It can enhance the authenticity of the documentary, giving the audience a sense of experience.
In the narrative structure of documentary, sound/music can predict the development of the events. Sound/music combined with scene-switching effect, indicate that the event will be in a good direction or to develop in a bad direction, which depends on the situation it creates.
Sound/music, either in form of commentary or words of the character or sound of nature, is helpful to express the time and space of documentary, improve its artistic quality, vividness and authenticity. It is of similar importance as the images in a documentary. Filmmakers should attach importance to sound /music, ensuring it better infused with images.
When choosing sound /music, it should be consistent with the basic characteristics of the documentary. Sound /music should be precise and concise, reflects the authenticity of the documentary. When sound and music is added, more attention should be paid to the sound effect and the rhythm. Sometimes, silence is better than speech or sound.