week 4 lecture

We discussed about ‘How Do We Learn To Become Media Practitioners?’ and watched a talk show of Cal Newport. We are also required to read an article which is wrote by him as well, named Clarity of the Craftsman.

According to the reading, he compared two different ideas of working, “craftsman mindset” and “passion mindset”. Craftsman mindset is based on what you can offer the world. On the contrary, passion mindset focuses what the world can offer you. Take Steve Jobs as the example, he claimed that  everyone should go to find what you like to do, if you can not find, just keep finding. I guess this idea is about passion. People will pay all their attention on things they’re interested in and they may have passion and enthusiasm towards works or career. For me, I am really crazy about riding bikes since i was young. Unfortunately, once, I hit my face seriously against the kerb when I fell down from the bike. After that, my parent told me that I am not allowed to ride bike. However, I think I can not give up even if I got a lot of scar on my body. I just want to express that just do whatever you really like, don’t give it up. In short, passion will support you to be insistent and help you achieve your dream.

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