week 2 tutorial

In this week Workshop tutorial, it still started with “ what is media?” . Our group wrote down our own ideas on a piece of paper. After discussion, we concluded that media includes a lot of forms like TV, videos, advertising, the way to spread information to the public as well….We were getting closer through this activity. Then we presented our blog to other classmates. We were asked to learn the colour hat system to give others feedback.

Green hat:what are new creative ideas or alternatives in solving the problem?

Red hat: how do we feel now that we have worked on the problem

Black hat:what the negative aspects of the situation or issue

Yello hat: what the positive aspects of thesituation

My group members were interested in one of my viedo, that filmed my cat was climbing on my sofa. However, the other one is not good because I just record a video which I don’t own its copyright.

To sum up, I received many useful comments from my group, so i will correct my mistake and think more carefully before I post my video or pictures.

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