Game: Five Minutes – G-Shock Interactive Short
Video: Five Minutes – G-Shock Story only
I found this interactive commercial through a friend. The plot is about a father and daughter surviving the zombie apocalypse. The father has been bitten by a zombie and is turning into one. The only way to save himself is to remember his past. If he does, he is free from the virus. In order to remember his past, the viewers (us) have to ‘connect the dots’ for him (no really, we had to connect the dots).
I suppose I could categorise it as an online video because this advertisement is more of a game video where you help the characters to progress in the story. You need a flash player to play this game so I doubt you can interact on televisions or in cinemas. I find it interesting that this product placement tactic was a little different compared to the rest because this was in a game mode. The various ways that online videos use to interact with the viewers, whether it is just reaching out to the fans or product placement, seems to interest me a lot. I like to think that we can communicate to an audience with the forms of interactions no matter how far apart we are. With the use of Internet we are allowed to do just that because the World Wide Web allows us to do just about any thing world wide, duh!