Project FOUR: The Final Piece – The Journey


Creating an Interactive Narrative using YouTube Doubler

We were sticking to our YouTube Doubler and creating a parallel narrative. We thought it was more appropriate to stick to a simpler concept as suggested by the panel of judges. After brainstorming with Seth and the class, we had came up with a few pointers that could probe us into creating a few prototypes.

Ideas given:

  • start with the first person narrative.
  • understand it and analyse cinema films
  • after that, start thinking how it has been altered with parallel narrative
  • then what happens if you were going to show a ‘FRONTBACK’ video style. (filming yourself and the first person perspective.)

We had to look for an effective element that drives the narrative using first person perspective and try to find ways to make it more effective.

What happens to first person perspective video when it is re-appropriated into a parallel narrative like YouTube Doubler or other tools?

We started reviewing first person perspective in cinema films and the techniques of shooting and editing. We looked into parallel narrative where we understood it was a generalised category. Parallel narratives have been used such as tandem narratives where they are put into a single sequence.  SEE FILM: CRASH (2004)

We decided to use this narrative and see how it works while being played simultaneously. Also, we would explore on how to create an effective first person narrative as well.

The ideas we came up with over the period of 3 weeks were:

1. Having two-sided perspectives in a conversation.

Due to previous mistakes, I remembered to put in actions that would be obvious enough to see that it was a first person perspective. It wasn’t as effective as I expected with just actions and the other character looking into the camera. I had to think of more ideas.

2. Using Monologues (Inside thoughts/conversations)

This had proved to be more effective and how easily viewers can slip into the character’s shoes because they know what they’re thinking and what actions they plan on doing.

3. Using the elements of our case study and creating a simultaneous perspective

We finally used the room as a location where two people were undergoing a focus group experiment. This was to test their observation skills. We used two types of observation in this film.


And that is our final prototype.


The prototype definitely has more room for improvement. The idea, however, is evident with the parallel narrative.


Reflection: Week 12b – Present Project FOUR Draft

I was not feeling well so Peter pulled the weight of the presentation (sorry Peter!). I have filmed the draft back in Week 11 on the two-sided conversation. I managed to send to Peter and a few points of problems I came across as I filmed it.

These were my presentation notes:

    • could not do it in a proper room that we had planned out.
    • decided to try a different approach.
    • this is two sided conversations. it clearly shows two sides perspective
    • how to make it more effective though? – i had thought of adding monologues /inside thoughts into the two parts.
    • this was just a practice for having two first person perspective. because the room would be a bigger concept (coz bigger room, duh), walking around more, more actions.
    • it was difficult to repeat the same movements we went through. (as you can see some of the missing hand gestures i n the film) – MY HAND WAS POINTING IN THE FIRST PERSON BUT WHEN ON THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE, MY HAND WAS ON THE TABLE- (that’s about close to a min already)
    • for the next sketch, we plan to have the room setting filmed. good enough to be a first prototype. and see how we can improve on it from there.
    • to do that WE NEED TO GET THE TIMING RIGHT, THE ACTIONS REPEATED, AND TRY AGAINNNN… (and maybe a more well thought out script)

Presentation Notes for the Panel Judges

Just to get some facts down and have a copy of it on my blog.


– introduce our case study = 89 Steps
– our ideas from Project TWO
– set up First person perspective
– our list of sketches
– show one sketch
– our plans for Project FOUR


Our case study is the non-fiction interactive documentary of 89 Steps by Uniondocs who created the interactive short with elements of gamification(?) about Martha’s apartment in the neighbourhood of Brooklyn. The elements that we were genuinely interested in was the non-linear narrative of the location where we had to scroll through the street looking for Martha and you can’t look for her at the first try so you need to go back and forth. I also like the linear structure of ascending the stairs with Martha in real time. If you stop moving, Martha will tell you a story of the neighbourhood and then after a while she will say we have rested long enough and urge us to continue.  (*remember to insert pictures of the 89 steps*)

so, with those idea in mind, we had come across an interesting sketch from our project two, which was first person perspective. I liked how the interactive short was all in first person perspective as it allows viewers to put themselves in the narrator’s point of view. It gives a sense of participation when you are in the person’s shoe, observing what they see. we wanted to use this to give a stronger effect on interactivity. In project two, we were not very focused on exploring the narrative and non-narrative structure. This time we wanted to use our different online tools and services available to allow us to create a different angle on interactive online video.


First person perspective re-appropriated through online tools and services



Here are a list of the sketches we have done for project three: (put in slide)

Due to time constraints, we will show one of our best sketches: Peter’s Korsakow Non-Narrative

The sketch I will be highlighting is the use of a flash-based interactive film creation tool called Korsakow. Designed for non-programmers to easily input film clips and link them together based on keyword connections, the creators describe Korsakow as a tool to create database films that are interactive and rule based.

In our usage for this sketch, we aimed to create a Korsakow film that highlighted a demonstration of non-narrative structure in first person perspective. Utilising clips that Wei Yun had shot on her journey through the city one afternoon, I generated a korsakow film based on connection by numbered keywords, (e.g.. 1, 2, 3, 4.) The aim above all of this sketch was to test the ability and strengths of Korsakow to demonstrate whether it had an effect on the outcome of the portrayal of this short non-narrative film. I think its fair to say that whatever service you utilise to create a video will have an effect on its portrayal.


Future plans, we would go with youtube doubler or korsakow. we enjoyed finding new ways to show interactive videos. the choose-your-adventure style has been overused and we want to try and bring in a new style of interactive video. Hopefully for project four, this new angle of interactivity would be brought to light. We are wanting to develop our portrayal of first person perspective further and hopefully by exploring these services to their maximum we will perhaps

Project THREE: Presentation

In this question you are bypassing interactivity which opens up your exploration and does not tie you to interactive video (only) – what is important is the first person perspective and how it is conveyed – working with online video and potentially online interactive video tools and services.

The contribution you are making is to nonfiction documentary online video practices that aim to profile an individual’s story. You are seeing how the linear first person perspective is altered when it is re-appropriated into tools and services that have certain constraints and  narrative/non-narrative structures.


From 89 steps, we decided that we liked the user interaction style so we had the idea of exploring the different narrative/non-narrative structure in first person perspective. We incorporated the location as well as ascending stairs idea and create our own spin of narratives. There are a lot of repetition and reusing footages in these sketches as we wanted to compare the alteration of narrative and non-narrative structure through different services of online videos.



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