Feeling Melodramatic – Reflect on Life

Such an exaggerated title post… Well recently I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been doing for the past 11 weeks as I start to approach Week 12. Seeing as it’s my final year and I only have one more sem till I graduate, it just feels a little nostalgic. I’ve taken cinema major subjects, attended three studios as well as chosen crazy electives that I both enjoyed and regretted. Out of three studios I have chosen, despite Story Lab being my second choice, I feel that it was the more interesting studio! True, the beginning was really dry and heavy, as Dan reminded us almost every week, but the theories and reasonings helps back your ideas.

Overall, this story lab has gave me the opportunity to create something I love to do. I have a keen interest in board games and puzzles. This project proved to me that there are many ways to tell a story rather than digital platforms like films and television. When the guest lecturer, Ben McKenzie, came in to gave us an overview of what he’s done, I was in awe. Honestly, I think I was amazed till I had no idea what questions to ask him at all. Everything was all so new to me. Growing up in a traditional, reserved family and country, you do not get much performing arts interest. My college had hosted an arts festival, me volunteering as an entertainment assistant manager, we had so much problems gathering sponsorships. Coming to Australia exposed me to the world of arts – from busking to art exhibitions/galleries and live games like Pop Up Playground.

As a budding filmmaker, taking a step away from the film narrative has given me a new insight of telling a story. Maybe one day, I would create puzzle narratives in my films as a combination. My essay on mind games being an agency of transmedia storytelling has sparked my interests even more than before in these puzzle elements. I had been experimenting on interactive videos but interactivity works passively as well ! Learnt that when I was doing my story lab essay.

Well, on the down side, I have been neglecting my other assignments because of this fun project! Still managed to finish them in time, don’t worry ! one logo design assignment done, another one test, one story lab project and one audio experimentation project to go! *shootmepls*

Inner Thoughts: Crowdfunding – What?/How?

This interesting concept piqued my interest. My friend, Darren and I stayed back after presentation to ask Paul about his knowledge on crowdfunding. He suggested to look up Pozible, a crowdfunding organisation. I asked him if Kickstarter or Indiegogo were resourceful crowdfunding sites and he mentioned it was a possible suggestion. In my opinion, after listening to his advice, crowdfunding can be done in various ways. All we need to do is be resourceful and we must be able to pitch our ideas properly. A suggestion on criticising previous crowdfunded projects by Pozible was highly recommended. That way we could pick up on the mistakes the previous filmmakers have done and better them or learn from the ways they created the films.

I have helped out my friend who tried crowdfunding on Kickstarter but they did not reach their target so they had put their project on hold. She had proper casts and crew as well. The project was called My Name is Mulan. I was helping her in editing the videos for the kickstarter information page.

Here is the PILOT:


Click HERE to see the full channel.


Darren and I have two interesting side projects that requires a bit of budget. I have recently found out that Pozible is having a free workshop in crowdfunding. We have signed up for it, hoping to gain more insights on crowdfunding. We hope that this could possibly help us create a successful crowdfunding campaign for our videos. Paul had even offered to review our ideas (much appreciated!).

As for now, the only thing left to do is to review the past films crowdfunded by Pozible to gain more ideas in crowdfunding and start out our first few projects that we thought of creating during the holidays.



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