Today was the first day of Offbeat Live Season One, one of RMITV’s live segments, and I was on the Tuesdays’ crew. Not only that, in the morning I volunteered to do field coverage for an event called ‘Craft Cubed: Careers in Craft & Design’. I had a wonderful experience covering. I even learnt how to use the ZOOM H6 from a fellow teammate, Baek Mijin. The team worked really well together despite the first meeting. To top it off, I made extra friends!
Being back on the field feels slightly nostalgic. I have done some of these field reporting work for school events before back when I was in my high school’s broadcast club. However, working in a slightly more professional standard feels more exciting. I am excited to learn more about lighting as well as audio work in a more advanced level.
In the afternoon, Offbeat Live was aired at 5pm. I was in charge of the graphics. It was fairly easy and not as stressful. I was allowed to tinker around with the Xpression software. I self-taught myself to change the colours of the templates and line them up in sequence. (the lazy me as usual tried to find all the hotkeys/shortcuts in operating the system) I find shortcuts more effective and I thought it was just me being a lazy bum but when Paul mentioned during our first editing tutorial, I feel like I achieved something in my life (FINALLY!).
Getting myself exposed to this level of professionalism in broadcasting will hopefully widen my exposure to the media industry. Be it film or television broadcast, I wish to absorb all the knowledge from the seniors or those people who have been in the industry for years. Like Carla Hackett mentioned in the interview of ‘Craft Cubed’, “It is important to have a mentor and it’s good to just soak up the knowledge they share with you.”