Yesterday was the exhibition for media 4, semester 2 of 2015. I volunteered to piece together the films and organise the films into the server. I had to piece together a one minute screener for the presentation during the exhibition. As Kerri had made a quick poster and Bianca writing the content about our process of research, I am left with the videos. On the day of the exhibition, I had no important role so we just sat and reviewed our work along with the other studios.
Creating this screener was not that difficult. I managed to finish piecing together in less than a day. This is because our group were experimenting on the various genres. Preparing these caused quite a confusion as the information and instructions were quite scattered. I managed to send Paul a copy of the one minute screener for checking. He mentioned that the audio had some problems especially the parts where I abruptly cut the conversations. I tweaked a little before heading to uni the next day to drop the full version of the films into the server.
I had a few bumps during the preparation for the exhibition. Had I followed the brief by itself, I would have gotten everything together. The day before the exhibition was the day I knew that there was a submission folder for all our prototype films. I had stored everything into the server so Paul mentioned that there was not much a problem since he could grab it from the server easily.
Another problem I encountered was not being able to get my hands on the proper files of our last prototype from Dylan. In the end, I had to grab it off YouTube, thus degrading the quality. It was a confusing preparation but completed nonetheless. I had given Jen, who volunteered to make the postcards, some pictures of our shoot when the emails were handed out as well. That was an easy job due to the fact I still kept all the pictures we used during our week 12 presentation.
This is the one minute screener: