Prototype Draft: The First Iteration

The first draft to be presented for class feedback. The cues were not planned out well as you can see some actions were not timed properly through the two perspectives. It was a difficult process, juggling camera, using one hand to put into action and the timing of when to look at the person at the same time. We actually used another phone to follow the timing of the previous shot. It was a tedious work because I was seen looking at the phone from time to time.

The idea was there but it felt like the actions later on only brought in the effect of the first person perspective. What could make it more effective? Peter and I thought that adding monologues, like inside thoughts/conversations, might bring more “flavour” to the first person perspective.

We definitely made a few trial and error to try and minimise the mistakes because if we were to shoot in a bigger room, it would be more of a hassle as the concept is larger and more actions would be involved. This was just a step to creating a better two-sided perspective.


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