Reflection: Week 11b – Camera Put To Action

Shot the “TWO-SIDED CONVERSATION” prototype this week. Thanks to my awesome friend, we did it in a cafe while having lunch. I could say it was terribly difficult and we had to re-take each perspective more than three times at least. The mistakes ranged from moving the camera too slow, not on eye level sometimes and looking at things we weren’t suppose to look at.

A friend of mine told me I should film it on a 35mm lens because that is the actual focal length of our eyes… but… I don’t have a 35mm lens! So I just had to make do with my phone camera. We drank coffee until the levels were not the same anymore! But that was the least of our worries, the most problematic situation was that we were holding the camera with one hand that we could only act out scenes with one hand only. We lack an extra pair of hands or maybe gadgets that could strap the camera to our heads.


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