Project THREE: Presentation

In this question you are bypassing interactivity which opens up your exploration and does not tie you to interactive video (only) – what is important is the first person perspective and how it is conveyed – working with online video and potentially online interactive video tools and services.

The contribution you are making is to nonfiction documentary online video practices that aim to profile an individual’s story. You are seeing how the linear first person perspective is altered when it is re-appropriated into tools and services that have certain constraints and  narrative/non-narrative structures.


From 89 steps, we decided that we liked the user interaction style so we had the idea of exploring the different narrative/non-narrative structure in first person perspective. We incorporated the location as well as ascending stairs idea and create our own spin of narratives. There are a lot of repetition and reusing footages in these sketches as we wanted to compare the alteration of narrative and non-narrative structure through different services of online videos.



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