Assignment One – Development

Online media is more common in our daily life, and in some ways, it becomes a necessary part of the routine. Online media, which includes photos, videos and music, distributed over the Internet and all of the users could be the media producer and public their products online to share with others. The products might be copyrighted or non-copyrighted materials, freely or for a fee. Take me as an example, I like watching vlogs on the phone or iPad, which is the way of entertainment and more convenience. YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram would be considered as the major platforms of online media. Moreover, each of above has the specific phone application and it is more convenient to use and search the content that we interested in. Take me as an example, the food vlog is what I interested in. The characteristics that link to online media will be explained.


The vlog is usually presented to the viewers as a short video on the blog. It is not restricted to the specific content or the regulated length or the specific locations of shooting, even not limited to the shooting tools. It could be anything to record and each media users could be the vlogger. There are several categories of food vlogs:

  • Food porn, which is someone use the live video to record when he/she is eating
  • Cooking/Baking vlog, which is the live video to teach cooking
  • Introducing vlog, which is the live video of introducing food


The following are some examples of the categories I listed:

Food porn:

Cooking/Baking vlog:

Introducing vlog:


The food vlog cannot be played on the traditional screen platforms, such as television, might because of the length of the vlog, content, the frequency of uploading and shooting tools are unrestricted. However, the characteristics the food vlog has are conforming to online media. People set it as a form of entertainment even the way of learning. For example, as an overseas student, I always watch the cooking vlog to cook meals. In another situation, if I go somewhere for travelling, I would like to watch the vlog that introducing the local food. Moreover, the length of the vlog could meet people’s requirement. The viewers could watch the suitable vlogs depend on their free time. On the other hand, the frequency of uploading is not fixed. The vloggers could use any of media tools they want at any place, such as phone, iPad, digital camera. In another word, the locations, media tools and the time of uploading are at random. Some companies pay the famous food vloggers money if they eat and introduce their food so that more people would buy. Thus, the uploading time would be affected by many factors.


Vloggers are a new group of people who with some unusual characteristics or features, such as good at cooking, someone can eat a large amount of food but still keep slim or people who willing to travelling and tasting. Online media platforms is a good way for them to share with others who have the same or similar interests. I have followed at least five food vloggers on YouTube, Sina Weibo and Instagram. Most of them are cooks and bakers. Most of them have their own studio and the vlogs are shooted in the studio by using phones or cameras, then edited by themselves. Furthermore, the vloggers are not only had less limitation, they also can communicate with the viewers online. For instance, I was not clear about one step in the cooking vlog, so I left a comment, the vlogger replied me timely and fixed my problem. Thus, the Internet users are free to communicate at any time. The comment is not only the common and useful function of online media, the interactive is also possible. Food vloggers may receive the company commissioned to promote certain products, to advertise the product, the vlogger might say:” Leave your comments below and forward the vlog, I will choose one person in random to give him/her this for free.” This is the way to interact with the audiences and get more fans to follow the vlogger.


The Internet connect each person together and open to everyone who clicks on the video. It is free to leave comments and discuss their thoughts on the online media platform. The unrestriction of the vlog give everyone chance to upload what they want.

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