Workshop – 10

11 May, 2017

Media Workshop – 10

Project Brief 10 is still the main subject we focused on in this week’s workshop. For most time of the workshop, Mr. Brian gave us enough time to discuss in the group and continue work on Project Brief 4. It is a helpful and rich session for Gareth, Brandon and me, because we have been thought the general ideas about our project, but we still did not have some specific ideas, such as the structure or what sounds we will use in the project.

We searched some references during the meeting time on Monday, and I read most of these articles. To be honest, this topic is too difficult for me to understand, but I must need to work on it. Our goal for this week’s workshop is to finish the annotated bibliography. Gareth have already done it for four academic readings, but Brandon and I did not. Thus, I spent most of time to read the artcile and write the annotated bibliography.

Fortunately, Mr. Brian came to each group and discussed the theme with us. The topic we will focus on is about long-term television and then, link it to ‘attention’. Mr. Brian also said it is a hard topic and we need to avoid that do not focus on the history of the development of television. To sum up, according to our discussion, the main question for Project Brief 4 would be: How have narrative practices evolved to meet the changing modes of viewing? Thanks to Mr. Brian’s suggestions!

The last one hour of the workshop was followed up this week’s lecture. Mr. Brian showed us a 20-minute audio clip and asked we lied or sat on the floor. (I really like this teaching model, which is makes me relax and freedom. I had never experienced in China before! It would be so strange if everyone (including teacher) sitting or lying on the floor in the classroom in China.) The audio clip continued for approximate 20 minutes, and I almost fell asleep at the last few minutes actually. From the audio clip, there are many element, such as the sounds of background, the conversation among people, the musics…The editor use different voices in differenct senses, musics as a form of sense change, rather than use ‘read words’ to illustrate the theme want to express. The audiences need to guess what the editor want to express through these voices/ sounds and musics. It is what I got in the lecture, we cannot just express the theme by communicate with others or speaking in audio. It is more important to use the sounds of background and musics to give the audiences a sense of what I hope them know.

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