This is the final week of this semester and even I cannot believe time goes so fast! To be honest, everyone is busy especially at the end of the semester because most of all assignments will due in the same week, which is week 12, so it is hard for us to get the same free time. We met from 5 p.m on Tuesday and worked for 5 hours, fortunately, we almost finished at 10 p.m., even without dinner! (Of course, we had dinner after we got home!)
When it comes to the process of editing, I don’t even want to recall. We thought it might be an easy work to do the editing on Korsakow, but actually not! At first, we used Adobe Premiere to edit sounds and videos together, like what I mentioned in the previous blogs because there are three clusters and two of them are with audio. It was a huge project because there are 16 clips in each landscape so we needed to do approximately 32 clips. We spent almost two hours worked on it and then discussed the hardest part of Korsakow which is about ‘in-keyword’ and ‘out-keyword’. As the initial idea, we decided to set up four previews as the cover and randomly arrange the order in which clips appear. Thus, after our trial, the keywords that we used are ‘hand’ and ‘landscape’.
When we have done the editing on Korsakow, another issue was coming! The size of some videos are too small to match other, it made us almost crazy because it was too late and we still hungry but we might be finished the work! None of us knew how to change the size of videos but we searched the method online. Fortunately, we got it! After an hour and a half, we export the correct size for all videos by using Premiere. We tried on Korsakow again by updating the new videos and everything worked!
However, the project has not done because we still had to think about issues about the end preview and questions preview, like how to present them to the audiences. As what we discussed before, the idea of showing the block of ‘end’ on each page and then show the question cannot work, based on our attempt. Thus, we made a single preview page for the part of ‘end’, one of three questions might appear after clicking the preview of end once the viewer wants to finish watching. We thought this idea is work on the project as well because the ultimate goal we want to achieve is to get feedback from the audience, so the way the questions appear is not so important. For the final decision of questions, they might be:
- What did you notice about the movement?
- Did you see any patterns?
- How does this project make you feel?
It was ten o’clock when we finally finished our work, but the annoying issue came again!! Export Error!! We really do not know how to solve the issue. Thanks to Hannah’s help, we figured it out finally! The size of images for the cover page and end page are too large to export, so we reduced the size of the images and adjusted the sharpness though Photoshop. Finally, we completed all the works in the last lesson!!
When I go back to review the finished project, I found this project is exactly different from the last one. For the last one, we set screens to the specific locations, more focusing on the interaction between the viewers and specific spaces. However, this project has more sense of visual. Followed by Miler’s argument, the minor works are ambient, associative and effective and this is what constitutes their voice (2003). We try to attract audiences visually and auditorily to make them have imagination and it is not restricted to the specific space. When we did the hands filming, it looks so weird because some actions were hard to do, so our body might be distorted. However, although everything was weird when filming but looks beautiful and satisfied.
According to the pitch that showed our project to the students, most of them are interested in our project, especially the instructions that connect each landscape. They discovered that our project is similar to ASMR which is also our source of inspiration, so it seems that we made sense of the project to the viewers clearly. In addition, another feedback was, through the combination of the video, the matched sound provides the imaginary space for the audience.
Although there were many problems when we did this project, thanks to these problems I learned a lot. In this project, I could use the media tools more skillfully such as camera, recorder, and tripod. I was more familiar with the focus on the screen and the use of shooting main subjects. Moreover, I experienced the use of Korsakow again and this time, the setting of ‘in-keyword’ and ‘out-keyword’ is not as hard as before because we sorted out the logic based on the experience last time. The new skills I learned were to use Premiere to change the size of videos and use Indesign to do the poster. I thought it would be difficult to change the size of the video with Premiere previously, but when I finished the first editing through the tutorial, I found that many things are not as difficult as I thought. The Indesign is one of the Adobe software, it was my first time to use it and thanks to Taras and Mia’s taught, I learned how to use Indesign to create a poster!