Week 11 Consultation Feedback

-Wednesday’s Studio-

In Wednesday’s workshop, Hannah introduced us a piece of software called Korsakow, which is a piece of software that authors interactive video pieces, yet can provide a tool to notice. It would easier for us to discover the similarities, differences, and refining through putting all pieces of media in the same frame and then compare them. The software is exactly useful to get further research on the project. When I put the media together, I found the ‘red’ as the key concept, it is the essential element to link every piece of media together. In addition, put all media in the same frame would help me to notice ‘red’ is more attractive at what time.

-Thursday’s Consultation Feedback-

The media I will use for the project was almost done during the previous weeks, including multiple photos and several clips because of excellent framing and structures of shooting.

From the group of photos that I collected, the way of framing would change what we notice. For instance, if the ‘red’ item is located in the center of the photo, it would be easier to notice. Thus, the position of ‘red’ could change our notice and this could be one of the problems I need to think about it at the final step, which is to get the reflection from others.

For the video, there might have a good idea, which is to combine photos together by following the chronological order in a day. (I still considering if the clips I collected need to be used. I might do at least two types of test shootings by included the clips and without them. The final video will use the better one.) The video will follow the rule of ‘Early Morning – Morning – Noon – Afternoon – Evening – Night – Morning – … – Night’, the content in the video would be more like to record the daily life in the day.

In the previous weeks, I still considered if it is necessary to do a survey of others to get some feedback, just like what I did in Task Three. In the pitch of Task Four, Paul did not recommend me to do the questionnaire in the final project, however, I think my own reflection on the media cannot represent others. Therefore, I decide to choose someone as the volunteer and re-prepare a few of questions to get some reflections on the final cut of the video. My personal reflection will be recorded as well. The reflection post will be built based on our responses. The audio will be the media method to record our reflections.


-Relevant Reading-

Bogost, Ian. “Ontography” [excerpt]. Alien Phenomenology. Or What It’s Like to Be a Thing, University of Minnesota Press, 2012, pp. 38–52.

‘Imaginatively liberating’ is mentioned in the reading. From my point of view, the photos may be limited the audience’s imagination because they would focus on the items that appear in the image; however, if combine photos together to create the video, it would give them for space to create the story.

Moreover, to divided the whole part into separate tiny sections would helpful for exploring, as the author stated: ”

An exploded-view drawing offers just as much intrigue as it does use value.” The photo is the simplest way to reveal ‘the tiny, unseen things’ because all items are stillness and the photographer could change the viewer’s focus by changing the shooting framing. An anonymous, unseen situation of things is presented in a way that effectively draws our attention to its configurative nature.

Gibson, Ross. “Changescapes – An Introduction.” Changescapes: Complexity, Mutability, Aesthetics. UWA Publishing, 2015. Pp. 1-20.

Ian Bogost would describe as an ontograph, where each clip is part of “a group of items loosely joined not by logic or power or use but by the gentle knot of the comma” (Alien Phenomenology, p.38).


-Consultation Questions-

  • What does the work you’re creating allow you to notice?

The range of color is comprehensive, so I choose one color to explore further. ‘Red’ is common to notice, so I would like to select pieces of media in daily life to make people notice what they might not notice before.

  • Why does noticing these things matter?

As the major of media, the photos, videos, and audios are essential elements. Color plays a crucial role in photos, videos, and audios and the different time would bring people multiple senses.

  • How are you going to allow an audience to notice unseen things through the form your work takes?

The first requirement is I can notice unseen things in daily life so that I could collect the media of these ‘unseen things’. In my project, locations and time are important elements. I use the photos and the video to encourage the audience to notice ‘unseen things’ by comparing the similar things at different time.

  • How do the wide shot and the extreme closeup allow you to see unseen qualities?

The extreme closeup would limit the audiences’ notice because it focuses on one specific item; however, the audience might notice more things through the wide shot because it might be included multiple items.

  • How much are you controlling what is noticed through the technologies you are using?

The main technology I used is the camera to take photos because I think the stillness images could provide the audiences enough time to notice. The video I will edit is the way to compare one specific item at the different time. The audio is a good method to record the responses of the audience because I can repeat the audio after the survey to record the important notes.


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