Task Three – Refining

What did you learn about making media through noticing?

According to the reading which provided in the studio in week 7, the experiments I did are more biased towards practice-led research. The fundamental idea of three questions is to put ‘people’ or ‘the viewer’ to the first position. For example, in the first question, I paid attention to people’s first impression on photos; the second question had a further level of people’s noticing by observing photos which from different angles of the subject; the last one is focusing on the viewer’s understanding of photos, it requires their imagination when they have a look at the media. Therefore, based on the similarity of the theme in these three experiments, photography is the method of media I used and the aspect I focus on is the influence of photography on people’s noticing.

The questionnaire is the major survey in the process of doing the experiments. After I came up with the question, I thought the best way to make conclusions more reality is to do the survey because my personal reflection cannot represent the overall situation, so select respondents in random to reply questionnaire can more comprehensively get the reflection of the real answer. The responses from the respondents give me a strong sense of idea to investigate and extrapolate the discovery of noticing.

To develop the ideas I was chosen, the photography is the most suitable method to reflect them. I would like to research on people’s reflection on the media, thus it is important to give them enough time to think about the content and the further meaning of the media and the stillness subject would be a better choice. Photos are the media method which is stillness so that it would be helpful for my experiments when I asked them about their first feelings and further description or ideas about each photo. In the experiments, I do not only rely on the things shown on photos but also prefer to more focus on the meaning or new discovery behind the photos.

How are you going to develop these experiments into a larger project for Task Four?

I focused on ‘colour’ and people’s reflection in media in the previous experimental and these experiments prove that colour would affect people’s noticing in media. By comparing with the previous experimental which the focus element is ‘people’, I will focus on the media itself in Task Four.
I will discuss ‘colours’ as the major element as well but for Task For, I prefer to research on the influence of colours of photos on the media itself. Therefore, the main question I set up would be ‘how colours change interpretation’ or ‘how colours change what we think/notice in media’?

To develop a completed final project, I had the framework of basic ideas for Task Four:


In Task Three, I used ‘photography’ as the main media method because of the stillness images. However, in Task Four, I will combine photos and clips to a final short-time video.

Photography is a good method to have further discussion, but it limits the viewer’s imagination. The video could contain different types of media, such as audio, clips and images. The combination of these media tools would develop people’s imagination about the media provided. The viewer may not only focus on the image itself but also have more perceives.


  • The similar photos with different colours.
  • To create a narrative video by using the photos.
  • To create a questionnaire.
  • Interview as the survey method and record the respondents’ answers.


Week 4 Reading:

Frankham B, (2013), The viewer may not only focus on the image itself but have more perceives.

The related content about ‘narrative’ would be helpful for me to create the video. It would be better if the media material I collected would be associated. The definition, examples and statements the author provided would be helpful for Task Four because there has close contact between media I will collect and ‘narrative’.

To sum up, ‘colour’ will still be the theme of experimental in Task Four but the focus is on the impacts of media itself, not on people’s feelings. The ideas I mentioned above are the initial thoughts about it, there are still many weakness need to improve. The final decision will be done after getting the pitch’s feedback in the studio.

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