Task Two – Noticing

Due Date: 14/08/2017

Task Two – Noticing

You will embed in a blog post all of the moments of noticing in either video/sound/photographs you and your pair collected in your location and their location.

  • List what you notice when you play all of your media back.

-Photos are more than videos and no audios.

-The elephant doll always appears.

-There are two entrances in the Royal Arcade.

-The shops in the Royal Arcade are not brand name shops, but some boutiques.

-There are not too many people have brunch in cafes in the morning or at noon, but more people prefer to have a rest in the afternoon (from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.) Moreover, by comparing with other shopping malls, not too many customers in the Royal Arcade, so it is quieter.

-The brightness of the photo is perfect because of the bright lights in the Royal Arcade.

-The model of Macarons is the shining point that grabs the customer’s attention.

-The decorations in the Royal Arcade are overwhelming, exaggerating and shining; but the decorations in the shops are very cute and tiny.

-The wall clock rings every fifteen minutes and both sides of model soldiers would tell.

-There are some guide signs to give the customers guidance of direction of shops.

-The significant change is the number of visitors and customers and based on the process of collection, the peak time with the largest number of people is in the afternoon.

-Some shops have advertisements, such as for sale.

-The Royal Arcade just have one floor and not very big. Although there are some stairs to go on and down, the customers cannot use.

  • Are there any similarities or patterns between your pieces of media?

-The recording method I used the most frequent was taking photos.

-The elephant doll appears in each photo.

-Each certain place has at least two photos at different time zones.

-The number of people is the measure of the standard.

  • What did your pair notice in your familiar environment?

My familiar environment is Queen Victoria Market, as Vivian’s collection, she noticed the following elements:

-People; The element of people is the most crucial in the series of photos. It reveals the relationship between time and the number of customers.

-Closed shop; Although in opening time, there are still several shops were closed.

-Meat; vegetable; seafood; Food is the main goods the market provided to the customers, so there are many varieties of food that people may want to buy. The sorts food in the market are more than in the supermarket and the price of some products is cheaper.

-Flower; There is a flower store near the centre of the square and some shops may also sell flowers, but more of them sell food.

-Carrier vehicle; The carrier vehicles are common to see in the market, especially in the morning because the sellers need to transport the fresh products by using vehicles.

-Cleaner; The cleaners always work indoor.

-Screen; Some advertisements hang outside or in the front of the shop.

-Lights; The light dims outside, although it is a sunny day.

-Café; Many people like to have brunch or take a rest in the café around the market.

-Handbag; People always buy food with a big handbag, even a cart, especially elder people.

-Suspended meat (pig?); There are some pieces of meat suspended in the front of the shop, maybe for proving they are fresh.

  • Was there anything they noticed, that you had not noticed before?

From the photos that Vivian collected, there are something that I never noticed, even never went to before:

-The hall for rest; Although I went to Queen Victoria Market several times each week, I just know there are some chairs and tables put in the front of café or along the street for people to have the meal, I never noticed there is a dining hall.

-The gate of Queen Victoria Market; Queen Victoria Market is an open area which means people could enter from different directions, so I never went to or noticed the gate.

-Lights and sunshine; From Vivian’s photos, the brightness of photos is low, maybe because of ceilings and no sunshine there. Thus, lights play a crucial role whatever in the open space or indoor.

-Vehicles; As I never went to the gate of the market, so it is the first time I know there has some space for parking.

-Advertisement; There are some big screens of advertisement hanging in the air, maybe for sale.

-Guidepost; the direction signs are everywhere, such as in the centre of the square; hanging in the indoor etc.

-Time and the amount of people; From Vivian’s photos, there are the least number of customers in the morning, but more people prefer to shop in the afternoon, especially the time nearly closing.

-Cleaners; There are some cleaners work indoor but seldom work outside.

-Meat hangs in the front of the shop; I seldom go to the area for selling meat, it is so horrible for me to see the whole piece of meat hanging in the air.

Rico: Vivian: 

Rico:                   Vivian

Upload your media to your Task Two media folder in your Google Drive.

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