Final Learning Post

24 May, 2017 Media Lecture – 12 Today is the last lecturial for semester 1, and there were four main sections:

  • Reminders and  ‘The Wrap’
  • Learning Graph EX
  • Course Survey  (CES)
  • Some Reflections From Brian
  • Semester Two Studios

For Reminders and ‘The Wrap’, Mr.Brian just gave us some suggestions and reminders about the audio work. For example, it is necessary to save a new version of the project season file or folder regularly for when make major editing decisions. ‘REGULARLY SAVE A DRAFT’!! For Learning Graph, there are four points represent four lines, which are Technical Skills, My Practice, Professionalism and Conceptual. The graph above is my Media One Learning Graph. For comment on the graph, I think the most valuable things I learnt was the practices of Adobe Piemere CC and Adobe Audition. I never used these two applications before because I had no idea about how to editing, but now I can use these skillful. Moreover, I also learnt many academic knowledge about media, such as editing skills, interview, team work and audio work etc. The useful knowledge that I learnt from the guest speakers and Mr. Brian really great and I enjoyed most of the lectures, especially the week 11’s lecture, which is about the television and Netflix, because it was the theme of my Project Brief 4 but I knew nothing about it because of the policy of Chinese government. Overall, for the lectures of Media 1, I exactly enjoyed these classes and hope to have Mr. Brian’s lessons for next semester. However, there is one more suggestion is that it would be better if give us more chance to do some practice on the lecture, such as go outside record some audios or take some shoots for scenes or people, just like what we did in Lecture 9. These activities are interesting and give us more chances to practice our skills. As I said before, the most useable things I learnt were the completed of editing by Adobe Piemere CC and Adobe Audition, but meanwhile, the most challenging things are this point. It is difficult to learn how to use these applications for the first time and I think I really did bad job for Project Brief 1, by comparing with Project Brief 2 and 3. I needed to learn some professional vocabulary at first, so that I will know how to edit. Anywell, I have done the most challenging works in this semester! I am glad to learning these editing skills and professional knowledge, the process of learning is interesting! For my own creative practice, I worked in the wedding designer studio when Easter Holiday in China, just as the post for Week 7, that was a valuable experience. I will also complete some short video for my boyfriend and dad during winter holiday, by using the skills I learnt in this semester. For the rest of the lecture are about the online survery and the introduction of Media 2 courses. I am looking forward to have new courses for the second semester.

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