16 March, 2017
Media Workshop – 3
In this week’s workshop, we still focus on ‘editing’, Haiku Exercise and Project Brief 2.
At the start of the class, we discussed about ‘Haiku Exercise’, which we did in the last class. Moreover, Mr. Brian showed us some videos that made by classmates, and we used the knowledge about ‘Colored Hats System’ to examine the videos. Unfortunately, I found I miss some part in the video of ‘Haiku Exercise’, but I corrected it soon after class.
Next part is to discuss this week’s reading, which is a comic. Each group need to write our own ideas about this comic on the blackboard and we sat together and discussed each group’s idea.
Then, we viewed and discussed some examples of PB 2 that made by past students. However, for some example videos, I have no idea understand what they want to express… Anyway, I had a little bit ideas about what I will use and how to do in the next step.
The following time of the the class was to worked on PB 2 and blogs. Most of us would like to spent more time on thinking about the frame of PB 2 and collected all ideas then selected some of these ideas.
I discussed with Nagini about what videos, audios and photos we can use in this video for a long time. Although we had some options about each aspect, I think the most difficult part is to mix them up and let it become a video completely. Now, I know how hard editing is… It is not an easy work to edit the whole material together and make the suitable order for each video, photo and audio. The order and outcome of the video would affect the impression of view of the audiences and the way how they understand this video would also be affected. Thus, the content of the video and how to order them suitably are necessary and need to modify again and again.
Before the end of the class, each person in each group got a number from 1 to 6 and people who got the same number became a new group. The requirement was to discuss our processing of PB 2 and introduced to others. The members in the group needed to give the feedback to the person who present. From the members of our group, I had some new ideas about what is the style I want to show people in the video and knew how to did a title at the beginning of the video.
To sum up, it is the most difficult work I have ever done because I never editing something before, and it is the first time I use Pr to editing photos, video and audios as well. Hope I could done it satisfied next week.