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Observation # 12

    An Asian woman caught me eyes when I was walking on the Swanston Street, she is about 30 yeas old, short black hair, wears an one-piece denim dress. She looks great on that dress. Her right arm wrapped gauze with arm sling. She looks nervous, and checks her cell phone many times,  and…

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Observation #11

      One late afternoon, I was jogging along the Yarra River, I saw an old man sitting on the bench along. He is about 60 years old with gray hair, wearing a long khaki wind jacket and a long black knitted scarves, and having his black cane next to him. He wears a…

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Observation #10

  When I was walking pass the Student Conner, I saw a man wearing a dark red jacket with black broken hole jean and chunky boots. He was standing under a tall bare trees with only few yellow leaves, he draw on his cigarette and blow out a stream of smoke, and the smoke was…

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Observation #9

    It was a rainy day, I sited down on the bench in the tram stop waiting for the tram coming. It wasn’t the busiest time, so there are only a few people waiting in the tram stop. A tram stops in front of me , it wasn’t my tram. The doors opens for…

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Reflection #6 – INDIV_EX_2

    For the second individual exercise, although it is called individual, we still need people to help, because it impossible to do it alone, so I did it with my group, they helped to do the boom pole and microphone, and also be the interviewer. We have 6 people, and need to get all…

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Reflection # 5

    In week 3 and week 4, Robin explained the basic skills of shooting informal and formal interview, we need to give consideration of  the eye -line, body position, the audio quality and so on. We also did an interesting exercise in class, we had 15 mins going out of class, walking in the…

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Reflection #4

  My majority observation writing is about something attracts my interest, like people’s movement, or something makes me thinking, or something that resonate with my previous experience.  I’m interested in human behavior, it has lots of fun watching people have different behavior that I don’t have. I think it could be cultivated, to build it…

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Observation #8

    One afternoon, I was heading to Asian cinema class, when I was crossing the Swanston Street from Hungry Jacks to Student Corner, I saw a young lady who is about 25 years old wearing white long one-piece dress, she is holding a old man ‘s both hands. The old man is about 60…

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Observation #7

    I live in Collins Street near the City Square, so I can see the pamela irving bronze dog sculpture everyday. One day, I was walking pass the Dior store, and I could see the dog sculpture from that distance. I was so shocked and stopped. From my angle, I saw the dog sculpture with…

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Observation #6

  The isolation area in front of the Swanston Library is under construction. The large machine causes lots of noise. There  is a construction team working there. Most of them wear bright orange jacket , dark blue pants and  blue hats. One man caught me eyes, he is wearing in all white , white hat,…

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