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Week 1

A Fresh start It was nice to meet some new friends and get to  know more people.  I was so excited about this studio, because I am passion for fashion film and fashion commercial. We had a brief introduction about everyone, it is great to have people from different background and filed, so then everyone…

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Final Refelction

    I found this studio is very useful to me, the most important skill I have learned is writing observations, it requires me to spend times on observing my surroundings including human behaviors, nature world and meditative observation reflection. I wrote down about 5 observations every week. At the beginning, I don’t  like writing,…

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Filming and Editing – City Drama

        The filming part was the most exhausted thing to do, Rachel as our cameraman was really trying her best to shoot, and we were using lots of tracking shots under requirement by Lulu, it was seriously a big challenge to Rachel. Basic, she was doing all the handheld tracking shots, so…

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Reflection #9

Do you think this studio will have any relevance to your future studies? Do you think this studio will have any relevance to your future filmmaking? Absolutely. This is my first studio, and I found it very useful to my future studies and filmmaking. I do noticing to my surroundings unintentional sometimes, but I have…

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Pre-production – City Drama

    We went through all the ideas in Monday’s class, and first decided to combine Lulu’s idea with my idea together. However, her film was already about 8 minutes long, and that would be to long if combines with my idea , so finally we decided to only use her idea. Lulu is the…

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      It’s rainy today, people are moving faster on the street.  I looked down from the balcony of my apartment, the view was even better than sunny days.  I’m in level 5,  so I could overlook the Swanston street. From my point of view, I saw people  were covered by their umbrellas, most…

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Proposal-short film

      Observation : One late afternoon, I was jogging along the Yarra River, I saw an old man sitting on the bench along. He is about 60 years old with gray hair and a pair of glasses, wearing a long khaki wind jacket and a long black knitted scarf, and having his black…

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#Observation 13

    When I was in the tram, there was a young girl sitting opposite me. She is about 20, has beautiful blonde hair, wears a floral dress with a khaki coat on. She was texting message on her cell-phone with her smile, and while she was waiting for message, she kept checking her phone….

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Reflection # Individual exercise 4

      We shoot some clips together in a group, since it was noisy outside, we decided to leave the microphone alone, and add music in post-production.  I didn’t think too much about the topic of my video that day, and when I saw the sunlight through the mental fences, it has extremely beautiful…

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Reflection – Group exercise #4

      We finished shooting two film clips on Wednesday class.  It is hard to arrange another good time for everyone to shoot clips together, so we had to finish two clips in 3 hours. We had already discussed about our roles on Monday’s class, so everyone got in their position quickly. It took…

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