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Assignment 4 links

Assignment 4 – 1 Assignment 4 – 2 Assignment 4 – 3 Assignment 4 – 4 Class 15 reflection Guest speaker  

Assignment 4 – 4

PROJECT TWO – SHOOTING  1 This was our second project, and we decided to keep the script, but shoot it in another way. It was a new start to us because we need to come out with a totally new concept. We were so frustrated and tired. Everyone has other assignments to do and feels…

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Assignment 4 – 3

PROJECT ONE – SHOOTING 2 For the first project, we still had another seaside scene. Kris, Jialu, Yoland and I went to St Kilda beach after class. The weather was not as good as we expected, it was cloudy and windy. I don’t understand why to shoot on the beach, it was just a bad idea…

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Assignment 4 – 2

PROJECT ONE – SHOOTING We booked the studio from 3:30 – 7:30 This was actually the first time we entered this studio because it always has a class going on, so we did not have a chance to look carefully last time. And we found out the curtain is not arranged as we expected, and we…

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Guest speaker

      It was great we could have Rory come to class and introduce his lighting equipment. I was always wondering about a gaffer’s working process and gears. He introduces many different kinds of lights he usually uses at work. The most impressive lights must be the Arri lights, they are just amazing and…

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Assignment 4 – 1

PROJECT ONE – PRE PRODUCTION Before we started shooting, there are a few things we need to get done:  where, when, who, how. The first thing we need is to find a place for shooting. We are thinking about a place with a black background. Robin helps to find a few places: the basement in…

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Class 15 reflection

I was late to class, so I was allotted to ‘Simone&Eric’ team. I was heading to the shooting place while roughly reading the script. Basically, it was a very simple script with only a few sentences conversation. The team was already in the room, they were setting up the lights, and using a black cloth to the sunlight…

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Assignment 3

    Exercise #8 reflection Week 9 Presentation reflection Presentation reflection #2 Cinematographer Christopher Doyle with director Wong Kar-Wai    

Presentation reflection #2

    I really like the ideas from Darcey’s group. Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite films, I like how it apply montage technique and the film style. Therefore, when I saw they are going to recreate the car park scene, I was so excited to see. I like the location they choose to…

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Presentation reflection

        Basically, our content is base on Camus ‘s novel  “The Stranger”,  so we are going to film the ending of this story. The ending is the monologue by the protagonist Meursault, before his death sentence. The first idea is to shoot in a dark room with a window, we gonna set…

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