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Week5- Lecture,Reading

In the lecture, Brian was talking about the semiotic codes, it reminds me about the analyzing films.  I had the cinema studies class, when I analyzed the particular shot of a film, firstly, I  will look at the camera shot, the camera angles, the lighting, the color, and the composition and the settings, the I will look at the person’s facial expression, body movements, clothing etc. These code helps me to understand the meanings and representations about the shot related with the plot.  And Louise gave us lots tips about how to make a standard interview, we need to think about 5 key points: Who,What,Where,When and Why, before we start to make a interview. The questions are the most important things in the interviews, so we should prepare the question properly. The question should be open-ended rather than a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question.

In the reading of ‘Looking at photographs’, To Victor Burgin,photography does not matter for what it represents, rather than for everything around it – its relation to other images, other discourses and politico-cultural strategies.

Another reading is the guide of textual analysis, it introduces the history ,  definition, purpose and methods of the textual analysis, it also listed some examples. The reading is quite long, and it contains mass informations, it took me a long time to understand it.


Sylvia • April 9, 2016

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