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PB2 Reflection



A one -minute video is too short to convey lots of information about myself, so I thought I just put the most important information which can represent my life and myself. The video includes that things I love and the life I enjoy, and I want to show my true life in an artistic way.

There are two different parts in my one- minute video. In the first part of the video, I introduce myself as a dancer because dancing is one of the most important thing in my life, so I thought that will be the most accurate word to identify myself. I show the about 20 second of my dancing clips, but I didnt really show me dancing in font of the camera, I filmed my silhouettes since the project requires us do to something more abstract and poetic, and it looks beautiful in my opinion.

In the second part, I want to share more about my real life. so I put a short clip of pouring milk into the cereal, because I love having cereal as my breakfast, it is healthy and delicious, and also there is a photo of my homemade juice,  these can represent my healthy lifestyle. I enjoy baking and love dessert, so I share a photo of ‘cute’  Chinese Baozi I made and  my favorite chocolate cheese cake. Moreover, there is a photo of me holding a pot of green plant, I adore green plants, this little thing is also a part of my life. In the final clip I am making a figure which looks like me by using corn powder,cranberry,beans,lipstick, and my glasses. I love doing DIY, it is one of my interests I guess.  I attempt to share my healthy and interesting lifestyle and my positive attitude about my life.

As for editing, it is my weakest part of my video, because it was my first time editing video using Premiere, and I tried to edit my video as I wished, however I cannot figure out how to edit as I wished. But I still tried my best to edit the video,

I edited it in two parts, so I made those in two different styles, the first part is more poetic, the second part is more  lifestyle. I used the some effect, for example I put a reverse effect in my cereal clip to make it more interesting.

The most successful part of my video is that I include the most important information about myself,it  can clearly show my personality ,attitudes , and lifestyle to the audience . The weakest part is editing as I mentioned earlier.


Sylvia • March 22, 2016

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