Need luck


Week 11


We finished shooting last week, so for week 11 basically  we are doing editing in the edit suite. We were in the edit suite almost everyday, because we want to finish it asap, so we could present to Christina and classmate and looking for some feedback, and then we could have enough time to do more changes. The most difficult part is always the beginning, we spent many days reviewing the clips we shoot, and select the clips we can use, and put the others in trash file. And then we started to put the clips in order in Premiere and did some rough cut.  We came out a rough cut with putting some effect background, and present it to Christina. She suggested that other than playing with more effects, we could also play with the cuts to make the film looks more experimental. I agreed, and I felt it was kinda boring to edit in order according to the narrative. We could try to break the order and make anther new form.  The process of editing was very tiring, and it was also a test of patience.

Sylvia • May 21, 2017

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