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Reflection #9

Do you think this studio will have any relevance to your future studies?

Do you think this studio will have any relevance to your future filmmaking?
Absolutely. This is my first studio, and I found it very useful to my future studies and filmmaking. I do noticing to my surroundings unintentional sometimes, but I have never done any Observation intensional before. After I have done a few observations, I felt it is very  interested spending 5- 10 minutes observing my surroundings,because I could always find out some interested things which I didn’t notice before. Also, writing down observation is different from using verbal, it allows me to recollect the details again, and use rights words to describe it, I think that’s the way to write script. I think my writing on emphasizing details and emotions is getting better after this.  Moreover, I learn how to use video camera, although the huge heavy Sony ex-3 is almost killing me, it was still great experience using that kind of professional video camera for filming, and also I felt I am like a filmmaker every time I used it. Robin is really patient to teach us the camera step by step, and he is always willing to help whenever we need a hand, so I really appreciate having a nice and kind teacher. Moreover, I had lots of chances to use camera to practice by my own and also to work in a group. Group work is always the hardest part to me, but that’s what I need to learn. I am happy working with my group, and we are working with together really well, although we had arguments sometimes, we alway work it out together.  That’s how  group works like, right ?   Overall, I felt this entire course was enriching for me, because I learned skills that I never thought I learn in the uni course, and one that I could take with me for my future endeavors.

Sylvia • October 15, 2016

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