Need luck


Assignment 4 – 3


For the first project, we still had another seaside scene. Kris, Jialu, Yoland and I went to St Kilda beach after class. The weather was not as good as we expected, it was cloudy and windy. I don’t understand why to shoot on the beach, it was just a bad idea really. I would say it was a really terrible and exhausted shooting. I will explain it.

I think Jialu was expecting a really sunny day with sort of summer feeling. However, the reality was just totally different. It was so windy and cold. The sun was covered by cloud, so we could barely see it. This was a long take as well, basically, I need to shoot Jialu lying on the grass, getting up, and walking to the sea. I planned to a monopod to give me more support. However, it was just not that easy. Jialu expected a smooth and stable movement, with perfect framing at the same time.  Again, it was about timing and cooperation again. Kris was holding the boom mic and following Jialu’s movement. Yoland was holding a reflector and following Jialu as well. There were so many technical problems while shooting. Firstly, in the beginning, I need to pull out the camera vertically from the top of Jialu and following her getting up. This was so hard to achieve, the camera movement looks so weird, and also she was not happy with the framing. I tried my best to achieve what she asked, and there was nothing more I can do.  Later, the sun came out, and the lighting keeps changing, and it was more difficult for us to control the lighting.  After repeating it several times, I was so exhausted, because I was almost holding the monopod and camera to track her movement all the time. It was not easy to keep it stable while walking down the steps and walking in the sand. I would say the movement she designed was so weird, and hard to achieve by using the handheld camera. I was not happy with this scene.

Sylvia • May 25, 2018

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