Need luck


Assignment 4 – 1


Before we started shooting, there are a few things we need to get done:  where, when, who, how. The first thing we need is to find a place for shooting. We are thinking about a place with a black background. Robin helps to find a few places: the basement in building 12, and the studio C in building 12. The basement is quite nice, it has the grey cement wall and a large space, and it also has sort of atmosphere of oppression, which is quite matched with the story. However, we revisited the basement next day,  and found out there were things with the basement. The first problem is the power for lights,  since we have to light up the whole scene, we need many lights. Also, we are worried about the safety problem, because the place is the parking space for truck,so we have no idea when the truck would come. Also, there is no signal. Anyway, the basement is out of the question anymore.  The studio C is a  better option because it has a black curtain and quiet, however, it is quite small.  We are so lucky that Robin found us another studio, which has a black curtain and large space.

As for the equipment, we planned to use a 1000k Arri light as key light. We booked a meeting with Robin, and he gave a demonstration of operation the Dedo and Arri lights , and suggested that we could use Dedo lights for ambience. With his suggestions, we planned to use a set of Dedo lights, a 1000 k Arri light,  some light diffuser sheets, and some reflectors. As for the camera, we firstly considered between my Sony A7sii and Sony ex3. Robin suggested that we could use my Sony a7sii since I was confident using it, and he showed us the way to create dolly effect by the handheld.  With his help, many problems have been solved. And the last one would be the actor, however, due to limited time, Jialu would be the actor and director.

This is probably everything we have done for the Pre Production.

Sylvia • May 20, 2018

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