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Class 15 reflection

I was late to class, so I was allotted to ‘Simone&Eric’ team.

I was heading to the shooting place while roughly reading the script. Basically, it was a very simple script with only a few sentences conversation. The team was already in the room, they were setting up the lights, and using a black cloth to the sunlight from windows. They ran me through the basic ideas of lighting and asked me and Rachel if we were like to do camera. I was happy to do camera because it was a great chance operating camera. Rachel and I decided to do a long take for this scene.  We intended to show the place two characters in one frame, so we could see both of their movement and reaction, which could add more tension to the scene. While the team are adjusting lights, I was trying to find a way to put both characters in the frame while they are moving, it took me a while to find a right angle and camera movement to cover both of them. Finally, we worked it out. The long take enhanced the continuity of the story.  It tells the story in a simple and clear way.

The scene was set in the dark room,  there was a diffused Dedo light set on the side to provide soft key light and another diffused Dedo light set high behind Lydia to provide a hair light, also there was a diffused Dedo light as the key light for Andrew.  The lighting provides a moody and tense atmosphere which was perfect for this script.

Overall, I was happy with the result. We did it in an effective way.  The collaboration was going really well.

Sylvia • May 11, 2018

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