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Assignment 3

    Exercise #8 reflection Week 9 Presentation reflection Presentation reflection #2 Cinematographer Christopher Doyle with director Wong Kar-Wai    

Presentation reflection #2

    I really like the ideas from Darcey’s group. Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite films, I like how it apply montage technique and the film style. Therefore, when I saw they are going to recreate the car park scene, I was so excited to see. I like the location they choose to…

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Presentation reflection

        Basically, our content is base on Camus ‘s novel  “The Stranger”,  so we are going to film the ending of this story. The ending is the monologue by the protagonist Meursault, before his death sentence. The first idea is to shoot in a dark room with a window, we gonna set…

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Cinematographer Christopher Doyle with director Wong Kar-Wai

  Christopher Doyle is one of the most famous cinematographer in Asian country. He was born in Australia, however he spent most of his time in China. He also has a Chinese name Du Kefeng. He and director Wong Kar-war created many amazing films such as Ashes of Times(1994), Chunking Express(1994), Happy Together (1997) ,…

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Week 9

My thoughts about lighting keeps changing every week, the more exercise we do, the more understanding I got, and also the more film clips I see, the more knowledge I know. My previous understanding about lighting stays in the basic lighting techniques, such as how to position the lights, what kind of lights I should…

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Exercise #8 reflection

For exercise 8, we shot two same scenes in two different location. It was supposed to shot in the west foyer and east foyer, but we failed to do that. Our group first went to the west foyer, it was very crowed with many people passing by, and it was very dark as well. We…

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