Need luck


Week 6 – casino



When I was doing research about why people  immersed in the casino, I also look in to the psychology  of gambling.  The problem gambler generally have these problems:

  1. they are more likely to win than they would expect by chance
  2. in a game with random numbers, like roulette, certain numbers

    are more likely to come up than others

  3. winning twice in a row means that they are on a “winning streak” –

    so they bet larger and larger sums

  4. they are more likely to win at a game of chance if you are familiar

    with it

  5. they believe certain rituals can bring luck
  6. having lost, they  can somehow win back their losses by gambling


    (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2008,



Also , I found an interesting thoughts among problem gamblers, they are not just believing they will win in the next bet, they ‘know’ they are going to win. so if you imagine you know you will win the next game ,  is it still wrong to gamble ?  Therefore, the environment of casino is not the only reason people get immersed, the game it self is also an important reason make people immersive.

Sylvia • August 29, 2017

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