Need luck


Week 5 : PB3- visit casino


Rachel and I went to the Crown Casino to immerse on Saturday. It was an early afternoon, there aren’t many people playing. Rachel has been there lots of times and she said more people would come in the late afternoon and night. It was my first time ‘officially’ visited Crown Casino, so I was excited to everything. The security checked our ID, and he asked Rachel to smile, so he could match her with her photo, because she looked under 18. The first things pops in my sight were varieties of slot machines and its flashing lights.  The tops lights  was not bright, or even a little bit dark, so you cannot tell whether it is day or night. Just like I expected , there is no clock or window in the casino. The temperature is just the right for me, not cold, not hot, its nice and warm. The music is up-beat, but also easy listening, which makes me feel relax and pleased.  I noticed the carpets are full of crazy and colorful pattern, and also really soft. The main color of the casino is gold, gold everything. I also noticed that there are lots of old people playing slot machines, and most young and mid age people like to play table game. No matter slot machines or table game, all the chairs are so comfortable to make you like to sit there for long time. Thats the observation I’ve got for that day, and would visit again if I need to get more information.

Sylvia • August 20, 2017

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