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Week 4

“All films have texture. Texture has an important sensory dimension; it expresses the feel of something and thus evokes response. Texture also encompasses broader expressions of quality and nature, relating to the weaving of cloth, a web or a narrative. Texture in Film considers texture in film as both an aspect of materiality, and in the sense of an overall fabrication.”(Donaldson, 2014)

Texture in the film could create big impact to audience, to immersed them.  For example , In the film ‘Arrival’, the color of the whole was basically cold, dark, blue, and grey undertone, it  immerse audience with tension and  mysterious atmosphere. Oppositely,  when it comes to the memory of the her kid, it changes to warm undertone and soft light which create totally different kind of emotion. These two different elements stands for two storylines, and also two different meaning.



The opening scene in ‘ Stocker’, the object in the scenes could tell many things, for example the candle on the birthday cake  was out  by someone, it tells audience that something happens, and the party is over. The image was quickly shifted from a birthday to a funeral. This big contrast really pull the audience in the story, and creates a mystery.



Sylvia • August 13, 2017

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