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Project Brief 2: Audiovisual Response




For this audiovisual response assignment, I chose the audio made by Denby Smith, it was a kind of creepy and suspense audio, and it has many ups and downs rhythm, so it reminds me an American drama called “Stalker”.  So I decided to make a suspense film.  I carefully listened the audio lots of times, and trying to record all the details of the audio. It basically has thuds for 4 times, some people talking, and some mechanical voice.  While I was listening, I has some images in mind such as a person running away from someone, and a stalker was chasing behind. The more times I listened the audio, the more details and images I would got from it.  I decided to use my iphone 7 plus instead of using a camera, because I want to create a real first point of view effect , and the iphone is easier to achieve that look. The first POV could immerse the audience, and give them a more realistic feeling. However, later when I was editing the clips, I found there are too much noise in the clips which are kind of hard to alter. I used Red Giant Denoiser to reduce the noise as much as possible.

I found it is hard to create visual to match with the audio since I cannot make any changes about the audio. I’m not saying the audio is not good, it is just because the audio is not like a complete story, it doesn’t has a clear climax and ending. However, it also made the assignment more interesting and challenging. I spent a long thinking about how to blend the visual and audio together like a story. After a long times editing, and the result is not bad. I made the thuds as a representation of the stalker, so when is has thud, it was the time the stalker coming out. And the crowd noise and is helping to show a dizzy effect.  The silence could draw audience attention and also helps to build tension. The visual combines both first POV and third POV, the different POV could help audience to identify different characters.  Reading from week 3 points out the importance of using color, lighting, and performance to create mood. When I color graded the visual, I made it more darker and blue tones to create more tension and suspense effect.



I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

Sylvia • August 13, 2017

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