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Week 3 – reading reflection

The reading ‘Beguiled’ Cinematographer Philippe Le Sourd on the Mechanics of Mood’ talks about how does Philippe using cinematic effects: shoot format, color, lighting and actors’ performance to create the film ‘Beguiled’.  “Mood boards are given their name for a reason. They allow creatives and the visual-minded to gather together relevant inspiration that will help inform the mood of what they want to create and guide them toward their goals”.  The mood of the film could guide spectators to get immersed to the moment, so the elements of helping creating mood become so important. I didn’t notice too much about the shoot format before when I watched a film, however when I see it carefully , and I found out that the aspect ratio is very important to a film and could also gives a totally different mood. 4:3 is more vintage and like a old classic film, it reminds people of past. And 2.35 ratio is ultra widescreen, it gives the look a epic big budget si-fi film. The very big part of reason I like a film is because of its color, when a film has amazing  and proper  color grading, I would study from it. The horror film has more green and blur darker tone, and a romance has warm and bright color, and si-fi use cold tone. When you see the color of a film and  basically you would know what kind of film it is.

Sylvia • August 5, 2017

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