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week 2 – reading reflection



The reading from Ute Holl’s Cinema, Trance & Cybernetics  explores the relationship between  spectators’s reaction and cinema, it indicates  that cinema can unconsciously influences the perceptions of spectators.  It points out “Viewed from this perspective, the various faculties of cinematic technology – recording, editing, and projection – can also be seen in a different and unfamiliar light: as opportunities to place spectators, the subjects of perception, into new relations, in which they only consciously find themselves after they have already given themselves over to the transformation caused by this cinematically constructed perceptual relation”. Spectators  always have tons of different kinds of thoughts  about a film, which depends on their backgrounds, ages, mood, personalities, knowledge, or even genders.   In the lecture, we were asked to give three words thoughts of the film ‘Interstella’. My three words were : Sad, Hero,Tragic.  I am easily immersed by a film, so my thoughts are basically about the story itself, and I would think about what if I am the character, and how would I felt if I would be he/her. It was very interested to hear different thoughts from other people. Some are more rational, others are perceptual .  Due to my previous  experience, I had try my best to use some editing skills, camera movements, sounds, and colors to express the information that I want to tell to audience. It is impossible to make spectators to get the exactly same information, but filmmakers use the cinematic techniques to  express the main ideas of film, and lead the audience.

Sylvia • July 29, 2017

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