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week 1

The new semester begins with a early morning ‘workout’. We started to shoot some footage for our first assignment. It was an interesting exercise:  ” cataloguing” places, basically we went to find a place and shoot some footage which could represent the places in 45 mins. I paired with Rachel, we went to the Carlton Garden, which is a 15 mins walking from our classroom. It was not that far, but we carried camera bag and a tripod, so we felt very tired especially we didnt have breakfast that day.  Therefore, I realized I need to have a breakfast to have enough energy to start a early morning class. Although it was an early morning, there were many students and tourist in the Garden. It was great to see the Garden in morning with some fresh air.  The exercise made us to think: how to catalogue a place, what do we need to show about a place, and how to represent them.  We shoot some footages of the morning sunshine, trees, birds, people  and  the fountain.  And I also use some first POV , tracking shot, panning shot to better show the views.

Sylvia • July 2, 2017

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