Need luck


Week 10


As Christina suggested that we need more close-up shots, we shoot more staff on Wednesday at my place. I set up a studio with black backdrop and some lights. It is more flexible to  shoot in my place, because we do not need to book a studio which requires limited date and duration, and it is easier for our model as well, so she would feel more comfortable. We tried to shoot in different angles and multiple lightings, which helps to create more interesting shots. We also redo the red string scene, since last time we only have time to do it one time. We spent  some time adjust the lighting, I feel it was so hard to do a beautiful lighting, and I really hope our media studio could have extra lighting class for us.

Paul came to help answering the our editing problems on Friday, although we haven’t start doing editing. We asked him about the background of the film, and we were so worried when he said it was impossible to achieve the result we want. I like when he said that we need to face the problems we had and find a way to deal with it , other than just thinking about to redo it. I agree with him, we need to make it happen. He was so nice to help us deal with the issue and also teach us some editing skills we might need for the film.

We went to the Redwood Forest for our last scene. Thanks to Rebecca’s help to drive us there, so we could get that beautiful shots.  We didn’t expect so many people there, and later we realized it was and Sunday and Mother’s day, so there were many families having picnic there. We stops shooting many times because there were many kids bursting into our frame constantly. Although it was sunny day, it was still cold, so considering our model and the lighting , we need to finish shooting before sunset.  I was using my stabilizer during the whole shoot, because we had many tracking shots, however, it was so hard for me to keep stable, because there are so many branches on the ground, so even I tried to walk so slow, it would still be shaky. Thanks for everyones help, we finished shooting right on time, and we also had a great trip.


Sylvia • May 16, 2017

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