Need luck


Week 8


That was a super nervous week, we are planning to start shooting on week 9, but we are now still looking for our model. Although we got many applications for the casting call on StarNow , and we tried to contact many models. It didn’t work well, some people just applied but never reply message, some people were not available on our planning days. And I got super anxious, because if we cannot find a model before week 9, we would not able to finish shooting by week 11. Lucky me, I have a very kind friend Lulu,  she helps me found a great model KK. I invited KK to come to my place to talk about the film, she is very nice person and she loves to join us.  We went through the detail of film such as movement, facial expression and emotion. She got it so quickly due to her previous model experience. Moreover, Rachel and I had a plan for nest week’s shoot. Week 9 would be a super busy week.

Sylvia • May 1, 2017

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