Need luck






Yeah, The PITCH….. went not well.

I’m afraid that I cannot explain my concept very well, so I decided to let Rachel to do the pitch, I gave my written draft  to her, and she did some polishing. The day before the pitch, Rachel and I went to the studio B to do some testing shoot. Since both of us have no experience about operating the lights, we spent lots of time on it and tried to achieve the best look. However  people barely could see the dress, because it is black as same as the background, plus the screen monitor was also not good.  I was thinking to change the black background to white, however the black would looks more mysterious.  Anyway , next time we would spend more time doing more practicing before presenting. Also, next time I would present, because I am the only one know what kind of emotion want to express, so I would need to get do more work on it.

We got many feedbacks from class and our lecturers, and I am so appreciate that.  Honestly, I was so depressed after the pitch . Nick was critical about everything. I meant it is good he could share his opinions with us, but its better to show some respects at the same time. The idea and the whole concept are very important to everyone of us, because we spent lots lots of time on it, and it contains our love and passion.  Maybe I  was still too weak to face the criticizing. I need to be stronger.  Anyway, I like my red string ideas, and I love the studio scene, and I love my works. And I would definitely think about advice and suggestions from class and lecturers.


Sylvia • April 23, 2017

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